Friday, January 31, 2014

if boys dressed like boys

if boys dressed like girls and girls dressed like boys. i think socity would be diffrent. would the "boy " clothing have more girlish patterns to have more soft feminity, or woild they be like the clothes boys where now?
would boys wear makeup? would girls still be the weaker gender? for wearing pants. and tee shirts. real men wear high heels. would me have to fjjjfjfjfjf sit like women do or would they still sit spreed legged? would there be dress codes what is popper length skirts? would gender roles still be the same? would a mother spend time cleaning the house in a suit, while her husband goes to work in a new skirt and blouse? what about trans people? would they still be considered strange? or would gender  still be a strongly protected thing? would there be drag kings, women who dress in gowns and put fake beards on? would there be more shops or men or women? would men still not care about fashion? or have they seemingly not cared form lack of options? if given a choice would more men dress in dresses? is clothing a gender role we uphold?

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