Saturday, January 25, 2014

humanities stuff

I had to write some myths for humanities so why not post?

"     i had a old great auntie who let us live in a building she owned. every Sunday mama would fry up some chicken, wrap it up nice on her best plate, dress me in my good clothes, and usher me up the two flights of rickety stairs to auntie’s apartment,balancing the chicken and green beans on her hip with me stumbling after with a basket of biscuits .

     even though aunties apartment was bigger than ours, it always felt cramped. auntie had giant looming furniture  covered in bowls of potpourri  and doilies. auntie would set mama  to work, washing dishes, pinning up the laundry, and raking the carpet. auntie would have me polish all her silver ware and jewelry, whole kitchen lit up with shining silver, but stinking of polish and lavender potpourri.

     after we ate auntie would have mama pull a icebox cake form the fridge, and we would sit around the tv set to watch  Wheel of fortune. we would all try to shout the phrase before the guests, giggling and wiping chocolate wafer crumbs off our faces.   "

name myth

my mother thought if she named my sister after tropical things we would have blissful easy lives.(power of words)

my sister is named after an island. she must have grown to fit her name, or my mother somehow saw the woman she would become(clairvoyance). My sister is unwavering. she is steadfast and strong. she can let you into her heart and you will live in her garden of kindness, carrying you and your troubles on her back. if you come to my sister with no respect, only wanting to take from her, she will sink you. she will pull you under, crack you open and show you your monsters from your own deep, then leave you washed up and parched on her desert beaches of indifference.

i am named after a palm tree.  . i am softer than my sister. i will shade you, i will feed you, i will let you strip me bare and cut me down if you ask. but i will grow. I will twist and turn myself to reach the golden sun(goals) i  cannot make my own place but i will grow in the place i find my self in make mine. my sister may be the stronger sister, but i am soft and kind. i will be the roots that hold the sand on her beach when the ocean tries to wash her away.

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